
A programme European to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe
European and International Mobility
Individual mobility
The EPLEFPA Bordeaux-Gironde, which participates in the ERASMUS+ programme in order to be fully anchored in the European dimension, holds two charters :
- EFP Charter 2018-2020 : Mobility Charter for Vocational Education and Training. A new application for accreditation was submitted for the period 2021-2027.
- ECHE Charter 2021-2027 : Mobility Charter for Higher Education.
These accreditations allow the institution to take part in the following mobility actions for learning and/or exchange of practices:
The STELAA project (STages des Elèves des Lycées Agricoles d’Aquitaine: work experiences for pupils of agricultural schools), a consortium led by the EPLEFPA Bordeaux Gironde, allows students in professional and technological fields to carry out internship mobilities of a minimum duration of 2 weeks in Europe on European funds.
The CESAA project, a consortium led by Bordeaux Sciences Agro, allows BTSA (Advanced Technician’s Certificate in Agriculture) students to carry out internships of a minimum duration of 2 months in Europe on European funds.
An ERASMUS+ project is also specifically dedicated to teachers and non-teaching staff to promote exchanges of technical practices and improve language learning.
Subject to certain conditions, candidates for European or international mobility may claim additional subsidies from the Regional Council of Nouvelle Aquitaine and the Regional Directorate for Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
Reception of foreign students :
– Gap Year
– Civic Service
– Language Assistant
Collective Mobility :
The EPLEFPA organizes, for all its sectors, collective mobility in the framework of study trips or training courses to discover territory. These mobilities, which are the strength of agricultural education, aim to develop a spirit of citizenship and openness to Europe as well as to consolidate the skills acquired during the training on both the linguistic and the technical levels.
The Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Council is committed to supporting schools in this approach and can gent a grant of 100 euros per young person concerned for European and international collective mobility projects.